What are your hopes and plans for the coming year?  I have twenty two goals that I scribbled onto the front and back sides of a sticky note  I have one goal: to be happy I don’t make goals; I just end up falling off the wagon and feel disappointed with myself so why bother?

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The ups and downs of life can weigh on your mind like gravity, but you always have a say-so about the mindset you’ll use to deal with it.

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Do you ever look at something and notice how beautiful it is simply because it’s so simple? As if anything added would detract from its essence? Like a daffodil or a perfect peach – simply beautiful. No need to add accessories – all the ‘zip’ they need comes from within. People are kind of like

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If I stood on a busy street corner and polled people on what they knew about Highly Sensitive People, I doubt there would be many with any idea of what I meant. Undoubtedly there would be a few who would make reference to people they know who are “overly emotional” or prone to tears. Such

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Someone recently asked me how to help more people embrace the discomfort of growth. My response? By helping people to ‘raise the bar’ in their own minds. If personal growth is considered uncomfortable, painful, or hard, then what idea do we need to market and sell in order to convince more people that pursuing growth

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“There are two kinds of discomfort: the discomfort of stagnation and the discomfort of growth.” – Brooke Castillo Going through the motions, unsettled, restricted, lonely, confused, irritable, ill-at-ease, unfulfilled, searching, suffocating, longing, depressed, silently-suffering… Do you know this bundle of feelings?  At first glance this list resembles the criteria for anxiety or depression. This is also

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